These interactive environments react to your actions in real-time, so go ahead and trigger a shipwreck or flood the streets. Immerse yourself in the glorious chaos of all-out war. You have the freedom to do more and be more, playing to your strengths and carving your own path to victory. Demolish the buildings shielding your enemy and lead an assault from the back of a gun boat. Revel in the glorious chaos of all-out war packed with rewarding, tactical challenges in an interactive environment. All content used with Fair Use for the purposes of News and Reporting.Embrace unrivaled destruction in Battlefield 4™. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. Vehicle Specialization Stats A big thanks to frankelstner who wrote the game file compilation script, and is some sort of programming wizard! Disclaimer: I do not own the media presented in this application.

Detailed breakdown of weapon stats and how they affect Gameplay And all completely FREE! Coming Soon:.Short guide for those who have never used the console before HELP.All Gadgets with basic details provided.Countdown the days 'til Battlefield 4 on PS4/XBOne with this app!.BF4 Image Gallery - Choose any image to set as your Wallpaper COUNTDOWN WIDGET.All upgrade paths and exact specialization effects GALLERY & WALLPAPERS.Basic stats for all vehicles - Health, Armor, Regen Times SPECIALIZATIONS.Explosive Trailers and In-Game Footage! VEHICLE INFO.The latest BF4 News straight to your pocket!.Vehicle spawn details added for some maps NEWS & VIDEOS.Damage Charts, Recoil Values, Attachments, Rates of Fire, Spread, TTKs, BTKs & more! MAPS.All data comes directly from the game files! Features: WEAPON STATS The Ultimate guide to Battlefield 4 - Weapons, News, Videos, Wallpapers, Countdown Widget & More! You won't need any other BF4 App after downloading this one - This is the complete and comprehensive guide to Battlefield 4.